


The Council of the Nation
National People's Assembly
The Council of the Nation

The Council of the Nation is the second Room of the Algerian Parliament. Instituted for the first time by the Constitution of November 28, 1996 (Article) 98. The members of the Senate are elected by a two thirds majority, in secrecy, by the municipal elected officials and the departmental assemblies.

One third of the senators are appointed by the President of the Republic among the national personalities and competencies in science, cultural, professional, economic and social fields.

The number of the senators is equal to half, at most, of the members of the national popular assembly (APN). Their mandate is fixed at six years. Half of the members are subject to elections every three years.  

The senators benefit from parliamentary privilege during their mandate. They cannot be the subject of legal proceedings, arrest, or in general, to any civil proceeding, penal action or pressure because of the opinions that they express, the remarks which they made or the votes that they have made in the exercise of their function

The national popular assembly.

The members of the national popular assembly are elected by direct and secret votes.

The initiative of the laws belongs jointly to the prime minister and to the deputies.

The National Assembly is elected for a five year period. The President of the Republic can decide, after consultation with the chairman of the National Assembly, the chairman of the Council of the Nation (senate) and the prime minister, to dissolve the National Assembly or anticipate legislative elections.

The law is promulgated by the President of the Republic within thirty days from the date of its


Deputies benefit from , parliamentary privilege during their mandate . They cannot be the subject of legal proceedings , arrest, or ,in general, to any civil proceeding, penal action or pressure because of the opinions that they express, the remarks which they made or the votes that have made in the exercise of their function .

The Constitutional Council.

The Constitutional Council was instituted by the Constitution of February 23, 1989 . Article 153. The constitutional council is entrusted with the taking in charge of the respect of the Constitution and the regularity of the operations of referendum, the election of the President of the Republic and legislative elections. it proclaims the results of these operations.

The Constitutional Council is composed of new (09) members:

.  three (3) appointed by the President of the Republic of which the President,

.  two (2) elected by the National Assembly,

.  two (2) elected by the Council of the Nation,

.  one (1) elected by the Supreme Court,

.  One (1) elected by the Council of State.

The President of the Republic designates the President of the Constitutional Council for a six year single mandate . The other members of the Constitutional Council are elected for a 6 -year single mandate and are renewed per half every three (03) years.

The Council of State.

The Council of the state is a recent institution. It has succeeded the administrative chamber of the Supreme Court since the organic law of 30th May 1998 on the jurisdiction, organization and functioning of the Council of State. it is made up of 43 members, including :
- on the one hand, the President, the Vice-President, the presidents of the chambers, the presidents of the sections and the councillors of State.
- on the other hand, the " Commissaires du Gouvernement " and " Commissaires du Gouvernement adjoints " .

The composition of the Council of State can be modified when the Council exercises its consultative competences. At that occasion, councillors in extraordinary mission may be added.

When operating as judge, the Council of State is divided into chambers which may be subdivided into sections. Usually, the Council sits in chambers or sections to give a ruling on the matters it is referred to. However, in certain cases, all chambers may sit together, especially when the decision which might be taken could cause a sudden change in the case law. When exercising its advisory functions, the Council of State meets and deliberates in the General Assembly or in the Permanent Commission. The General Assembly decides about the bills proposed by the Government. It is chaired by the President of the Council of State. The examination of the governmental bills by the Permanent Commission takes place in exceptional cases when an emergency is declared by the head of the Government. The Council of State works out every year a general report which is sent to the President of the Republic. It contains an appreciation of the quality of the judgments of the administrative jurisdictions that have been submitted to the Council, and includes a summary of the Council's activities. Besides, the Council also contributes to the publishing of various legal commentaries and studies

Advisory organisms.

1- The High Islamic Council :

Instituted by the Constitution of 1996, in its article 171, the High Islamic Council is a consultative body placed near the President of the Republic .Its mission is to encourage and to promote Ijtihâd, to give again to Islâm its qualities of tolerance, the opening up on progress and modernity while relying on its high morals and spiritual values . For this reason, the High Islamic Council is charged to take all necessary actions likely to put Islâm at the shelter of competitions and political stakes . It aims at correcting erroneous perceptions on both national and international levels and takes in charge all the issues pertaining to the comprehension of islam ,the religious orientation, as well as the diffusion of the Islamic culture. It is also entrusted with the promotion of inter_ religions dialogue and the cohabitation of the human cultures ; By the creation of the High Islamic Council, Algeria tries to assume its responsibility as a Moslem nation by recommending the way of a humane and tolerant islam , which takes up again with the great principles of equality, universality and human dignity.

The high Islamic council is made up of 11 members appointed by the head of state .

2- The Economic and Social National Council :

IT is an advisory authority in the economic field, with as a principal objectives the maintaining of dialogue between the economic and social partners and the study and evaluation of the various issues pertaining to economic and social development with a view to submitting proposals and recommendations to the authorities concerned .

The CNES is a national consultative institution which regroups the representatives of nine professional social groups including the workers Union , professional employer groupings, farmers, and associations with social vocation and this with the contribution of experts and qualified persons.

3- The High Council of Amazighity :

The High Council of amazighity was created in view of the presidential decree n° 95-147 of may 27 th 1995. The Council is entrusted with the promotion of the Amazigh language, one of the elements of national personality, through its integration in all fields of endeavour including teaching, communication, work and research. The high Council of Amazighity consists of the follow-up and coordination council and a Teaching, scientific and Cultural Commission made up of 20 to 30 representatives from the Ministry of education, Higher education and Scientific
Research, Vocational training, Communication and Culture, and planning ministry. The commission members and chairman are appointed by a presidential decree every three years. The Council works under the direct supervision of the presidency of the republic.

4- the human rights observatory:

The National observatory of the Humans right was created in view of the presidential decree n°92-77 of February 2nd 1992 .The mission of the Observatory is the control, the evaluation of research, and the study

Of legislations pertaining to legality (article 5-6 of the statute). The observatory acts like a body of control and evaluation in the field of the respect of human rights. It is also entrusted with the mission of safeguarding and promoting human rights. The observatory submits an annual report on the state of human rights to the President of the Republic and to the National Popular Assembly. The Observatory consists of a General assembly which sets the programs and defines the activities of the observatory .it is made up of 14 members appointed by the state ,and 12 members, Including at least six women designated by national associations for a four years period. Half of this number is renewable every two years.

5- The Higher Council of Arabic language :

It's a consultative instance created in view of a presidential decree. Among its main missions stands the follow-up of the generalization and the promotion of the Arabic language use, in administrative and economic institutions. It also takes in charge the modernization of Arabic through the introduction of modern teaching and learning techniques.

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